Our 2025 pricing update has very minor changes. In order to maintain essentially the same pricing as last year, we are focusing on reducing costs and optimizing cash flow. This update is effective immediately as of December 29, 2024.

See the complete pricing page here:

Same Day Multiple Deliveries

Was: 50% off all additional same day deliveries.

Now: 50% off one additional same day delivery for each full price delivery. Book 2 same day deliveries, receive 50% off 1 delivery of equal or lower price, book 4 same day deliveries, receive 50% off 2 deliveries of equal or lower price.

Payment Due Dates

Was: 15 Days.

Now: Due on receipt of invoice.

Late Fees:

Invoices will be considered late after 7 days without payment and a late fee will be applied.

Was: 15%
Now: 20%